Formation of modern clothing based on the use of national traditions

  • Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor of Design and Technologies Department; e-mail:
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Slesarchuk I.A.

    Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor of Design and Technologies Department; e-mail:
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Zaytseva T.A.

    Associate Professor of Design and Technologies Department; e-mail:
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Yuan Fenghua

    Associate Professor
    Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute
    Xianyang. China


In the design of suit, combinations of the fashionable clothes silhouette, elements of traditional culture and actual materials are used. In this process, it is necessary to use the model of international clothing design based on national and international restructuring. The cultural viability of traditional clothing should be preserved in conjunction with the modern design concept in order to create a harmonious interaction of the civilization of the eastern and western worlds. The relevance of the research topic is confirmed by the need to develop an integrated approach for solving project problems. The purpose of the research work is to systematize the means of shaping a modern costume based on the results of a comparative analysis of the methods of creating a form of a national costume of the Slavic and Asian peoples. The frontal projection of the costume served as an information source for graphic comparative analysis of traditional and modern costume of Russia, China, Japan and Korea. Visual analysis of the projection of the frontal silhouette of the costume was carried out using the classifier of shapes and clothes silhouettes adopted in the garment industry. The results of the comparative analysis showed that in modern clothes constructive means of shaping the traditional costume are actively used: the minimum number of divisions, through constructive lines and special means of shaping. Non-structural construction lines are practically not used. As a result of the conducted studies, the straightness of constructive sections was revealed, which makes it possible to simplify the design process. The revealed tendency correlates with the situation in the modern fashion of the universality of clothing, the erasure of gender and national differences. The mood and image of the national culture can be reflected in the design of clothes using elements of traditional costume, which also demonstrates self-esteem in the international fashion designers community.

Keywords: international fashion, design form, constructive means of shaping, visual analysis, traditional culture.